Continúa sin parar la expansión de la gama de enfundadoras XL destinadas a las industrias de productos de grandes formatos. La gama, que ya incluía 6 modelos de máquinas para el embalaje de las...
Nueva planta Bocedi 2021
Nos hemos trasladado a una planta más grande y nueva! La nueva sede, con una capacidad de producción duplicada, nos permite consolidar nuestra posición como líder del mercado mundial en la...
FB3000 (Video)
Desde hace más de 50 años trabajamos teniendo como constante objetivo el desarrollo de nuevos productos y tecnologías que respondan a las exigencias de nustros clientes. En este contexto de...
La funda elástica en el sector del compost: el caso Vigorplant
Incluso para los productores de turba y de mantillo, el embalaje juega un papel clave, un elemento aparentemente marginal que puede determinar el éxito de algunos aspectos fundamentales. Entre estos...
End of the line packaging for the pellets industry: why with Stretch Hood (Video)
To improve the secondary packaging giving better visibility to the products, to optimize the warehouse spaces, to add greater stability to the load: are three needs that drive the pellet industry...
Virtual Global Insulation Seminar and Exhibition
Why choosing stretch hooding? Which are its advantages and its strengths? Cristian Bocedi will enlighten the stretch hooding advantages for the insulation industry, on September 15th, during his...
In Box Bagmaker MS-L
The MS-L in box bagmaker is a fully automatic machine that tailor cuts and positions the bag/liner inside industrial size containers. The MS-L in box bagmaker is suitable to work with octabins,...
New Stretch Hooder FB3000
Engineered to secure a wide range of different palletized loads, the new stretch hooder FB3000 is ideal for its safety, and its unbeatable design quality. The hooder offers a lowerable system at...
Hybrid Line: Stretch Hood or Shrink Hood? (Video)
It can be difficult to choose in between the two technologies, and it can be even harder to move away from the traditional packaging processes to a new technology like the stretch hooding. For the...
Expo Revestir 2020
EXPO REVESTIR is consolidated as the Latin America’s most important finishing event and holds its vocation of connecting businesses, creativity, trends, new releases and inspirations. There is no...